I'm Isabelle M. Santos, an astronomy
outreach and communication specialist.

I create online content, give talks and do in-person workshops around astronomy.


My research interests include artificial intelligence and observational astronomy.
I use my knowledge in applied mathematics to tackle complex problems in astrophysics.

Talks, seminars, conferences


  • Mixité dans la recherche en astrophysique, August 10th, 2020, Camp d'été d'astronomie in Barret-sur-Méouge
  • Mesurer les distances dans l'univers, November 12th, 2020, Astrochablais in Monthey


  • Using AdaBoost for photometric redshift, May 8th, 2020, EPFL
  • The mystery of the filamentary structures in the LOFAR data, Ecogia Science Meeting, March 2020
  • More...

Outreach and teaching

Research and teaching go hand-in-hand. During my free time, I am also involved in getting children and adults interested in science and technology.

Curriculum Vitæ

I obtained a double-degree in computer science from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago and the French Civil Aviation University in Toulouse (ENAC). There I specialized in machine learning, and did my Master thesis on the topic of automatic intrusion detection in aeronautical communications.

I continued to study artificial intelligence with a PhD in applied mathematics at the ENAC, where I developped a method for computing the Green's function of the Laplacian.

During my PhD, I also started a Master's degree in astrophysics at the Université Toulouse III. I did my Master thesis at the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie on the topic of Faraday tomography of the Interstellar Medium.

I joined the University of Geneva in fall 2019 in the team of Stéphane Paltani, where I investigate ways of improving templates to perform photometric redshift in preparation of the Euclid mission.


Email: isabelle.santos [at] protonmail.com
Mastodon: @MoutmoutInSpace@pouet.chapril.org
Twitter: MoutmoutInSpace
Twitch: MoutmoutPlanetarium